When you upload an episode you'll see a section called Episode & Season Numbering
. In most cases you won't need to do anything with these fields as we will automatically generate Episode
or Season
numbers for you.
What is Episode and Season numbering?
Episode numbering allows you to have concise titles. Concise titles are easy to read. When there's not much space as much of your title as possible is in view.
You don't need to name your episode something like “Episode 42: The Meaning of Life”.
Instead, when uploading an episode, add your Title
e.g. “The Meaning of Life”. The Episode number
will default to “42” if you already have 41 episodes.
Alternatively you can manually enter an episode number of your choice.
Episode and season numbering lets podcast apps order your podcast in the best way for your listeners. It avoids typos and errors that can result from manual formatting. It makes search more efficient too.
What if my listeners are using an app or platform that doesn’t support episode numbers?
That’s fine! We provide a title that these apps or platforms can read which includes your episode number. For example Episode 42 “The Meaning of Life” is displayed as “42. The Meaning of Life”.
It's good practice to start using this feature. Doing so means you're future-proofing your content for other platforms as they adopt these best practices.
My podcast already has episode numbers in the titles.
If you are importing a podcast and have tens, hundreds or thousands of existing episodes don’t worry. You don’t need to manually change the titles. Our auto numbering tool will work out which episodes they are. It does two things.
- It figures out which episodes are which and adds the episode number tags for you
- It strips out any episode information from the title leaving you with concise titles. e.g. “Episode 42: The Meaning of Life” it’ll strip out “Episode 42:” for you leaving a nice, clean title; “The Meaning of Life”.
When you import your podcast via RSS you'll see a prompt on your Dashboard to help you or you can check out our auto numbering tool.
Season numbering
If your podcast has seasons you are able to add a season tag. Once you add a season all new episodes default to that season. If your podcast doesn’t have seasons that’s fine, leave it blank.
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